Wednesday, 4 May 2011

My Speaking Engagement

Last week I delivered a keynote speech for a huge British manufacturing company...Take a look at the testimonial :) 

Symphony IRI engaged Nigel Gifford to deliver a keynote speech at the end of Day 1 of a two day workshop for a global manufacturing client. In the current economic climate this client was facing challenging trading conditions and recent changes in senior management in the UK organisation. Prior to the workshop, participants had completed a survey outlining their thoughts, feelings and opinions of the primary issues that needed to be dealt with in the workshop. These were to regroup as a team, find new focus and reinvigorate their business plan for 2011. Knowing this, Nigel was engaged to provide both a unique perspective on the client's challenge and translate his business and adventuring experience into an engaging, relevant and motivating keynote speech. This he did with great aplomb, so much so that key quotations and observations from his speech were directly embedded into the content of Day Two and Nigel's presence, gravitas and professionalism helped to cement an extremely successful workshop. The client was delighted and impressed with the outcomes they achieved over the 2 days and Nigel's keynote played a key part in helping to shape the experience.

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